ABA Therapy Guide for Parents

If you’re curious about ABA therapy for kids on the spectrum, take a look at our comprehensive guides, or give us a call. We’ll be happy to help!

For most parents with a child on the autism spectrum, starting ABA therapy feels like grabbing a lifeline. It teaches children skills that seem to unlock a whole new world...
In order for you to get to know the Abacus Therapies team closer, understand our values and motivations, this time we are bringing you an interview with one of our...
On their journey to find supportive pathways for children with autism, parents and caregivers are met with a number of choices, each promising to unlock new doors to learning, growth,...
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy is a scientifically validated approach primarily used in treating individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). While many have
Finding the right questions to ask an ABA therapist is the first step in navigating the journey toward effective therapy for your autistic child. However, this is not just about...
In search of the best ways to support our kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder, ABA therapy often comes up as a promising option. It’s got a solid track record for...
As awareness of developmental conditions grows, the focus on Down syndrome and autism highlights the real challenges of families dealing with these diagnoses. While both conditions are distinct, understanding the...
Supporting a child with autism means finding paths that lead to growth. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) shines as one such path, blending science with care to guide children toward better...
At Abacus Therapies, we always try to get to know our little patients as much as possible, their unique skills and way of seeing the world on the spectrum. Naturally,...
Play is a fundamental part of your child’s growth. Through play, your child learns to communicate, share ideas, express feelings, and understand others — not just with words, but through...
If you’re a parent looking into ABA therapy for your child, you’re probably wondering about the potential cost. It’s a common question with a not-so-simple answer. ABA, or Applied Behavior...
When getting ready to talk to your child about autism, feeling nervous is normal. After all, it’s an important step that should be taken properly. This guide, designed with you,...
As parents, we constantly seek ways to help our children overcome any challenges they may face. ABA therapy can help with a number of disorders that might affect your kid,...
Characterized by a range of symptoms, autism presents unique challenges in the lives of affected individuals and their families. One of the first challenges for the parents of a child...
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex condition that has garnered increasing attention in recent years. Traditionally viewed as a singular disorder, it is now recognized as a spectrum, encompassing...
Finding the right support for a child with autism can feel like navigating a maze, full of hope, questions, and choices. One path that often comes up is Applied Behavior...
If you’re feeling overwhelmed about where to start with autism treatment, you’re not alone. This article takes a closer look at ABA therapy, a key method for helping children with...