
In-Home ABA Therapy: Complete Guide for Parents

By Natalie Schad | 22 July, 2024
In Home ABA Therapy - Featured Image

In this article, we’ll answer the questions parents most often ask us about inhome ABA therapy. We’ll discuss its key benefits and goals, take a look at what kids usually do in these sessions, and explain how parents can create a nurturing environment for their child to continuously make progress.

Since its founding in 2017, Abacus Therapies has provided home-based applied behavior analysis (ABA) services for children on the spectrum. We’re also going to share some of our experiences while introducing you to ABA therapy at home.

The Benefits of In-Home ABA Therapy Services

No two autistic children are the same, even if they are closely related. They each have different needs and goals — and this is what guides our personalized approach to ABA therapy.

The environment in which the sessions take place plays an important role in the outcome of the treatment. 

If your child is about to start ABA, inhome therapy has many benefits you may want to consider when deciding on your preferred setting. Below, we’ll discuss three of its key advantages.


Conducting daily ABA sessions at home allows your child to learn new skills and behaviors without disrupting their existing at-home routines. The same goes for the parent, too. It eliminates the stress of having to navigate traffic, adjust your schedule on the fly, and plan and package meals, thus allowing you to fully focus on your child’s improvement. 

To make the process as smooth as possible, we will even conduct the initial assessment at your home.

Familiar Environment

With at-home therapy, your child is learning new skills in a familiar environment, which makes it easier to seamlessly incorporate these skills — typically focusing on early self-care — into their daily routine. This could be particularly beneficial for children starting ABA therapy.  

Additionally, by observing your child in their natural environment, the therapist can assess the child’s needs more accurately, allowing them to devise a more personalized improvement plan.

Family Involvement

We strongly encourage parents to observe and participate in their child’s ABA therapy sessions, which is much easier in a home setting. 

This parental involvement adds to your child’s sense of security, while allowing you to witness their progress and celebrate all their achievements. You’ll also be able to communicate with your child’s therapist more frequently compared to other environments for ABA sessions. 

The therapist will provide helpful feedback and tips to nurture and reinforce the newly learned skills and behaviors outside of sessions.

Goals of In-Home Autism Therapy

As already mentioned, the treatment goals will always depend on the child’s particular needs.

Some common goals of in-home therapy include the following:

  • Acquiring basic self-care skills
  • Learning to clearly communicate thoughts and needs
  • Eliminating negative or harmful behaviors
  • Reducing the frequency of outbursts and tantrums

One of the main differences between ABA therapy inhome vs. at a center is that the latter environment is more adaptable when it comes to group ABA therapies. However, that is not to say that a child can acquire essential social skills only through group therapies. At-home therapy is also beneficial in this regard because it can teach children to express more interest in the people around them. This goal is more easily achieved with parents’ and siblings’ active involvement, which is yet another reason why we strongly recommend they be present during the sessions.

To ensure each child has optimal conditions to thrive, Abacus Therapies provides sessions in three settings — at school, at home, and starting this fall, at our new ABA center in Charlotte, NC, where we’re going to organize group ABA therapies too.

AtHome ABA Therapy for Kids of Different Ages

At Abacus Therapies, our approach primarily focuses on the child’s needs. Those needs change and evolve as they grow, so the child’s age plays an important part in the improvement process.


When working with toddlers, the primary goal is to set them on the right developmental path. 

This includes teaching them the essential self-care skills they can incorporate into their routine, such as using the toilet, getting dressed, brushing their teeth, and eating meals. 

Emotional outbursts, temper tantrums, and other undesirable behaviors are also common at this age, so the improvement plan will include methods and techniques to reduce them.

School-Age Children

With school-age children who start ABA therapy around the age of 6 or older, the focus is typically on acquiring elementary social skills that would allow them to better fit in with their peers. 

While some kids might accomplish this more easily through center-based therapy, others manage to achieve this goal at home with the participation of parents, siblings, and family friends. 

At this age, children are also actively taught the skills to help improve their performance at school.

Teenagers and Adolescents

While it’s rare for teenagers to be at the start of their ABA journey, kids who have begun therapy earlier in life may still have regular sessions when they reach this age. 

In that case, the focus will be on communication and acquiring skills to help them live more independently. These may include preparing meals, scheduling appointments, and even getting ready for job interviews. Time management is also increasingly important at this age, so therapists will cover that, too.

Please be aware that these are all the most common goals when it comes to ABA therapy for different ages, but that doesn’t mean the goals never overlap. Our team at Abacus Therapies approaches each child individually so we can create a fully customized ABA therapy plan that works best in your case.

How to Prepare for HomeBased ABA Therapy

Although it’s very convenient, starting ABA at home requires some adjustment. As a parent, there are a few things you should do to create an optimal environment for your child to thrive in sessions.

Choose a Therapy Space

In our experience, kids achieve the best results in their natural environment, so there’s no need to designate a separate room in your house for therapy sessions. Just choose the space where your child would normally be during the session hours to ensure they’re in a comfortable setting and not disrupt their routine. 

Having a room without electronic devices and other distractions can be good for some activities, but the therapist will inform you when that might be needed.

Prepare the Tools

During sessions, our RBT may use sensory tools, puppets, puzzles, and other toys to help the child learn new skills. When the session ends, store these toys and tools away and only bring them out before the start of the next day’s session. 

Because your child only has access to these toys during the sessions, they will be seen as special and remain effective as teaching tools.

Develop a Routine

ABA therapy is all about developing positive routines, and sessions give you an opportunity to create one. Talk to your child and let them know what they should do when the therapist arrives. For example, they can greet the therapist and go sit at the table. 

To help the child prepare to perform the routine, especially in the early days, practice it a few times before each session.

Be Present

While it is okay for family members to go about their day during the sessions, a responsible adult must always be present. We encourage at least one parent to observe the sessions and ask the therapist any questions they may have once the session is over. 

Depending on the plan and task at hand, parents and siblings may also be asked to actively participate in the session.

Ask for Guidance

As a parent, you are integral to your child’s ABA success, but you will probably need some guidance along the way. We’re aware of this, which is why we offer ABA training sessions for parents. In these sessions, you will learn how to create a supportive environment at home and implement various ABA techniques to help your child achieve their improvement goals.

Start Your ABA Journey with Abacus Therapies

At Abacus Therapies, we aim to provide the best in-home ABA therapy experience for kids and their families. Our highly qualified and experienced therapists will talk to you and your child and devise a custom-made improvement plan addressing your child’s needs. We’ll keep you actively involved throughout the process to ensure your child achieves the desired results.

If you’re ready to start home-based ABA sessions, schedule a free consultation with us. Call us at 954-400-3251, text us at 954-758-8748, or use our online contact form.


Can you do ABA therapy at home?

Yes, ABA therapy sessions can be conducted at home. Besides the convenience it provides, it also allows kids to learn new skills in a familiar environment, thus enhancing their sense of security. Additionally, at-home therapy is perfectly suited for greater parental involvement.

What does in-home ABA therapy look like?

In-home ABA sessions are regular one-on-one sessions where a certified ABA therapist works with the child to help achieve their personalized improvement goals. During the sessions, the therapist uses sensory tools, puzzles, puppets, and other toys to keep the child engaged, help them acquire basic self-care and communication skills, and eliminate negative behaviors.

What do parents do during in-home ABA therapy?

Parents are strongly encouraged to attend and observe their child’s ABA therapy sessions and actively participate in them when asked by the therapist. They also prepare the space where the sessions will take place and use therapist-recommended ABA techniques and methods outside of sessions to encourage the child to use their newly acquired skills. Throughout the program, parents regularly consult with the therapist and provide feedback on their child’s progress.